Month: March 2023

2023 North America

Venture to New Mexico

January 15-22 With Johnny Wilson Narrative and photos by Johnny Wilson A group of five birders arrived in Albuquerque on the evening of January 14 ready for a New Mexican winter adventure of note. During dinner we listed our target birds while enjoying our first taste of New Mexican food for the trip. Everyone went […]

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2022 North America

Venture to Florida’s Space Coast

Dec 11-16, 2022 With Aaron Steed Narrative and Photos by Aaron Steed Our quick getaway to the ‘Space Coast’ of Florida was really just 4.5 days long, which is not a huge amount of time to explore this rich area! We focused our efforts on the classic hotspots of the region, making a few adjustments […]

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2023 North America

Venture to Northern Minnesota

January 23 – 28, 2023 With Kevin Burke Narrative by Kevin Burke, Photos by Kevin Burke and Gisele Schoene This year’s tour to Northern Minnesota and Sax-Zim Bog was fabulous!  Every year is different up in the great white north.  We were fortunate to have temperatures in the 20’s for most of the trip, although […]

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