“The Best of Foothills Birding”

Eastern Wood-Pewee by Simon Thompson

Morganton Greenway NC

October 1, 2023

American Redstart by Alan Lenk 

Register by clicking the ‘book now’ button above, or by contacting the Ventures office. We accept credit cards for an additional fee (2.9% for MC, Visa, Discover; 3.9% for AmEx), but you may also pay by bank transfer, cash, check, or money order. This Venture is limited to 12 participants.

Meeting Details: We will meet directly at the Greenway trailhead behind the Ingles on Carbon City Road, next to Catawba River Park. Time – 8 AM to 1 or 2 PM Price: $60


An easy and relaxing day birding from paved walkways along the Catawba River in Morganton, looking for fall migrants.

Join Clifton and explore the birds of the NC foothills along the beautiful Catawba River. Southbound birds tend to follow rivers and streams during migration, and the Morganton Greenway provides good access to these ‘hotspots.’ Greenways in general provide excellent and important foraging habitat for many songbirds during their migration and can be hubs of activity in spring and fall. Peak fall migration typically occurs around this time of year, so there should be a good number of birds on the move for this tour! We will be on the lookout for various warblers, vireos, tanagers, and many other neotropical species – really anything that we can find!

We will hope to see: Great Blue Heron, Osprey, Red-shouldered Hawk, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, White-eyed, Red-eyed, and Yellow-throated Vireo, Fish Crow, Northern Waterthrush, Black-and-White Warbler, Tennessee Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Cape May Warbler, Northern Parula, Magnolia Warbler, Pine Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Summer and Scarlet Tanagers, Baltimore Oriole, and more.