Early Fall Migrants

Red-headed Woodpecker by Alan Lenk

Chatham & Wake Counties

September 15, 2023

Magnolia Warbler by Simon Thompson

Register by clicking the ‘book now’ button above, or by contacting the Ventures office. We accept credit cards for an additional fee (2.9% for MC, Visa, Discover; 3.9% for AmEx), but you may also pay by bank transfer, cash, check, or money order. This Venture is limited to 12 participants.

Meeting details - Meet at the Valero gas station at 5871 US-64 W, (Pittsboro, NC) between Haw River and Jordan Lake. Snacks and/or lunch in addition to drinks can be purchased here if you have not packed a lunch ahead of time. Time - 8AM- 2PM Price - $60


Come explore a variety of Piedmont habitats for southbound migrants of all kinds. This will be a morning geared toward less experienced birders, visiting Triangle hotspots that provide easy viewing conditions. We will be following roads and established trails. Walking will not be strenuous, but sturdy, waterproof footwear is suggested. Insect repellent may be necessary.

The group will start along the Haw River at Old Bynum Bridge, where we will be checking the treetops as well as forest edges for Passerines. Also, we’ll need to keep an eye on the river itself for waders and waterbirds. From there we will caravan to Jordan Lake State Park and make several stops for assorted songbirds as well as waterfowl and raptors along the lakeshore. Our day will end at Harris Lake, where after walking a couple short trails, we will scope the lake for shorebirds and waterfowl.

The group will be hunting for the first of the Fall migrants passing through to the Piedmont. There is no doubt that we’ll come across both adult and young-of-the-year local species such as Red-headed Woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee, Eastern Bluebird and Brown-headed Nuthatch. We are hoping to spot an assortment of warblers including Black-and-white, Magnolia, Northern Waterthrush and American Redstart. Vireos such as Yellow-throated and Solitary could show up. And there may be a few thrushes like maybe a Veery or two or a Wood Thrush in the area as well.

Depending on the weather leading up to our day in the field, we may find a few species expected a bit later in the season. If enough weather has been tracking from the north, we will be prepared for the first Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, White-throated Sparrows and Ruby-crowned Kinglets.

Of course, we will keep an eye out for other wildlife such as lizards, turtles and butterflies as well as Fall wildflowers. There should be plenty of good photo opportunities so feel free to bring a camera to capture a few of our best finds.